Monday, November 1, 2010

Week of Tweets

I have always liked using Facebook, because it's a great way to keep in touch with friends you don't see very often, but once I got Twitter I was so used to Facebook that I didn't understand what it was. I kept wanting to "like" people's tweets, but I couldn't. I also wanted to "comment" on their tweets, but all I could do was reply! Replying to me, wasn't the same! When I first got Twitter I just imagined that it would be like Facebook, but without photo albums and the walls. I thought it was just going to be a bunch of Facebook-like statuses on one website. Even though I probably won't continue using Twitter as much in the future, I am glad that I was exposed to it and got to learn about another new social network online. It's nice to be able to follow different people that I am interested in, but not have to ask them to be my "friend." A lot of my Facebook "friends" aren't really friends at all, they are just people that I want to be able to keep in touch with if I need to. But, on Twitter, I can follow them and be able to keep in touch, but not have to be "friends."


  1. I thought the same thing the first time I got Twitter.

  2. I think it is an interesting point that you made when you said that you don't really have "friends" on Facebook and Twitter is a good way to get rid of that.

  3. Im glad we got the opportunity to use twitter also

  4. Thats good that you tried tweeter tho.

  5. I agree, I thought twitter was going to be like facebook by being able to like peoples tweets.

  6. lol, I won't lie... once or twice I wish that I could have a little convo with them between them and their statuses, like on Facebook. But yeah.. it is nice to get exposed to new things.

  7. I agree that Twitter is a lot different than Facebook.

  8. Facebook is definitely a lot different than Twitter

  9. Very different, But I still love my facebook more!!

  10. I also started out with facebook and maybe that is why I dont like twitter.
